The Hydro Electric scheme at Noddsdale has been in operation since the 1920s providing electricity to the House and cottages at the start of its life with 110DC, until the National Grid was brought into the Glen. Since then it powered the House with light almost continuously until the scheme was refurbished and upgraded in 2010.
The refurbishment included increasing the catchment area and replacing the old Power House with a new one further down the hill to make use of the increased fall and therefore output. All the electricity generated is now 240AC and is exported to the National Grid. Although we now have to buy the power back, we at Noddsdale benefit from this green energy source and the marvellous bit about it is that there is no blot on the landscape!
The head water is captured and stored in the Dam which is known locally as The Chinese Lake, although no one is exactly certain how it came to be known as such. This is a scenic spot which is visited by many locals enjoying a walk in the countryside. We have marked out a special route for the visitors to avoid disturbing those at the house and the holiday properties. Responsible Access has been encouraged with cars being parked in the public car park at the Cemetery and litter being taken home, dogs kept on a lead etc. Most people are very respectful, but as always there are some exceptions.
One of the old turbines is on show in The National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh with a picture of my elderly father alongside it – so, if you visit the Museum, see if you can find the display.